It comes not by neither man nor maiden on their knees, nor any beast to suffer a god’s ‘unfortunate’ wrath. It comes on a storm, unnatural for the season, springing out of nowhere. On ball lightning that shakes foundations but does not -cannot- touch another’s holy grounds. The letter is singed at the edges from haphazard treatment when it finally brushes the altar, but the coffee in its cup -flavors Near Eastern in origin- is pristine. The letters gleam, “Oh Grievous Wound. Laugh for me.”

The sky rattled from the gale, but it did not disturb the unnatural calm that resided within the god’s grounds, that marked his territory and his influence. For all its blight and bluster, the winds did not dare pass that boundary. And yet it came so close, like a child dancing in circles about what they knew they were not to touch. How audacious.

The shadow cast by the cup of coffee, resting innocently on his shrine, began to ripple uncomfortably beneath it. Oily black coils rose up, wrapping around the glass as a serpentine apparition appeared and began to strangle it. Tighter and tighter it grew, until the porcelain gave way and shattered. Its contents splattered over the already singed letter, sending waves of steam curling lazily into the cool air.

The manifested serpent reared its head, flashing wide its maw and revealing teeth formed of gold. A prayer answered, if only in vaguest interpretation. Laughter rang in the heavens, callous and mocking in its disapproval. Certainly not a threat, but perhaps a genteel warning not to trespass so again, or else invite his genuine discord

If my Muse was a Deity, what Offerings Would you Leave at Their Shrine?[CLOSED]

Left outside of a certain deity’s personal shrine is a collection of sheet music, bound together with a red silk ribbon. While one set of music appears to be an original composition, the other is a heavily researched and rare lullaby. Both sets of music are written in a neat and tidy hand.

The demure visitor that came to his shrine matched, nearly to perfection, the offering she brought with her. She was similarly neat and tidy, garbed in a red dress, neatly pressed free of wrinkles and worn with an undeniable pride. She had an air of elegance about her, a certain formality and ceremony that the god appreciated. And yet, to him, it was a rehearsed, restrained manner that surrounded her. As if she too tiptoed a line, the way the written notes of her music did.

But his attention slid from her to her gifts upon inspecting them. The sheets of music were lovingly written, one of them practically drenched in thought and in care. Written by her written for him? Few went to such trouble, fewer still with pure intention. But this visitor had come to him with no prayer nor plea; the Miqotes gifts were not presented to bribe his clemency. But all this aside, it was the lullaby that surprised him the most. So few had heard it, this he knew. How on earth had she happened across it? And how then had she known it to be so precious to him, that she take the time to bring it to his altar? A thousand curiosities burned wild and raging in the gods mind.

By the time he had recovered from being so unexpectedly taken aback, the guest had already taken her leave.

If my Muse was a Deity, what Offerings Would you Leave at Their Shrine? [CLOSED]

I know this may seem like a weird question, but who are some of your favorite blogs/people here on tumblr?

Some of my favorites?

@manawalls : Not only are her edits and characters gorgeous, but she has such wonderful writing as well

@finalvalor : Probably some of the best edits and gifs I’ve ever seen, honestly. I’m in awe every time. Not to mention gorgeous art, too! 

@ephemeralrequital : Writing and art! And just a ton of devotion and dedication put so clearly into both, it’s inspirational honestly.

@house-vexile : Incredible writing, and such stunning characters! The thought behind each and every ask answered makes them a delight to read.

@amurr-reha : A good bean with excellent screenies, beautiful aesthetics, and wonderful art to top it all off!  

@verdandir : One of the most creative bloggers I’ve met! The time and energy devoted to each character is so impressive.

For the sake of brevity, I’ll end the list here – but I stress that this is really just a small handful of some of the people I really adore, and who post content I personally always look forward to seeing.

Our community has an abundance incredible content creators – whether they be creating art, writing, edits, or anything else – so I definitely encourage you to poke around and search for people who make content you enjoy!

And when you find them, please do tell them that you like it! Encouragement is what keeps our community going, and what keeps content creators creating.

Seeing your posts on my dash make my days. You always have something uplifting to say and it gives me a little light in the shadows of my life. I hope that my occasional tagging you in teacup and ocean things isn’t too creepy. I want to someday get to know you better.

You have no idea how delighted I am to hear this, friend. I’m only sorry to hear that life is so heavy for you right now. I sincerely hope that changes, and that things brighten up and get better. But, if in the meantime, this blog can bring you even a little bit of joy in the midst of that – I will be very happy. 

And I absolutely adore getting tagged in aesthetics, it makes my day! It’s such a wonderful surprise, and I’m always so touched and ecstatic whenever I see a notification like that pop up. Thank you so much for thinking of me!